English below

קהילת ידידיה

ועד מנהל

פרוטוקול הישיבה מיום ז' תמוז תשע"ה, 23 יוני 2015, שעה 20:00



מיקום הישיבה: קהילת ידידיה.


ועד מנהל: עדינה גולומבק, יפה שירה גרוסברג, חנה לוין, יצחק אביגד, דוד גלייכר, שמעון קפלן, רפאל אמלן, ורד נוריאל-פרת, דינה וינר

ועדת ביקורת: דבורה גריינימן, שרון אדרי

מנהלנית: מרים פיין




  1. מונו שלושה חברים של הוועד המנהל (להלן: "הוועד") כיושבי ראש בפועל: דוד גלייכר, עדינה גולומבק ודינה וינר. מדובר בהסדר זמני עד לאחר החגים.
  2. יוקם דף פייסבוק סגור לשימוש הוועד.
  3. תישקלנה דרכים להגדיל את מספר המתנדבים לוועדות השונות, במטרה לערב אנשים חדשים.

נושאים שהוכרעו באמצעות הצבעה טלפונית

  1. הוועד אישר תקציב של 1,500 ₪ עבור יין, גבינה וגלידה עבור האסיפה הכללית השנתית.
  2. הוועד אישר הגדלה של היקף המשרה של המנהלנית עבור תפקידים משרדיים מ-88 שעות לחודש ל-98, והורדה בהיקף המשרה שלה עבור פיקוח על אירועים מ- 20-30 שעות לחודש ל- 10-20, משך תקופה של שישה חודשים.
  3.  הוועד אישר תקציב של 6,500 ₪ בתוספת מע"מ לרכישה והתקנה של יחידת אחסון מאובטחת עבור ספרי תורה בקומת הכניסה.


Minutes of Va'ad Menahel meeting, June 23, 2015, at Kehillat Yedidya

Present: Miriam Fine, Adina Golombek, Yaffa Shira Grossberg, Hanna Levine, Yitzhak Avigad, Debbie Greniman, David Gleicher, Simon Caplan, Ralph Amelan, Vered Nuriel-Porat, Dina Weiner, Sharon Edri



Three members of the Va'ad, David Gleicher, Adina Golombek, and Dina Weiner, were appointed by the meeting as acting Yoshvei Rosh: this is a temporary arrangement valid until after the Chagim.

A closed Facebook page would be created for the use of the Va'ad.

Ways should be considered to increase the number of volunteers for the committees, with the aim of bringing in people previously uninvolved.

Issues raised by the va'adat bikoret in its most recent report and other continuing issues were acknowledged, and would be brought up for future discussion. These included:

·       Overhauling relations between the committees, the community, and the va'ad menahel, with the goal of improving communication, transparency and accountability.

·       Creating a system for dealing with difficult or controversial decisions.

·       Assessing building maintenance needs

·       Weighing the need for a new building fund campaign.

·       Investigating ways of better using the Internet for online payments and sign-up forms (including but not limited to membership forms.

·       Creating a long term calendar.

Other issues discussed included:

Overhauling the point-person system used by the Va'ad to shadow the various committees and events, and reassigning people. (A list of these reassignments has already been circulated). Comments on the system at the meeting included the need to avoid duplicating the work done by the various committees, which would be time-consuming and inefficient.

Finding suitable models for the efficient functioning of the Va'ad. The discussion noted that not every decision taken by the Va'ad necessarily involved all the Va'ad members, and that email was not the best medium for discussing most issues. In general, though, Va'ad members had to keep each other informed as far as possible. The role of yoshvei rosh was debated, it being stressed that they were co-ordinators of the Va'ad rather than the heads of the community, even if they were seen as such. Nonetheless, it was essential that joint yoshvei rosh had to be able to work together.

In taking stock of the committees, a balance should be found between respecting the accumulated experience of long-term volunteers, and taking advantage of the fresh perspectives of newcomers. The committees varied greatly in their authority to disburse funds, frequency of meetings, and so on, and had developed ways of working which they had found suited to their tasks.


Decisions taken by phone vote on three resolutions of the previous Va'ad, between June 1 and 3, 2015


Between June 1 and June 3, Bruce Rosen conducted phone votes with members of the previous Va'ad on three VM resolutions. The resolutions and the results were as follows:



Resolution 1:

The VM approves a budget of NIS 1,500 for wine, cheese and ice cream for the AGM.


10  in favor, 1 opposed.


Resolution 2:

For a period of six months, the VM approves an increase in the office manager's monthly hours for office-related tasks from 88 to 98, and a decrease in the average monthly hours for event supervision from 20-30 to 10-20. This change is intended to give the office manager more time to advance much needed building repairs, computerization of various financial/accounting tasks, and joint programming-office systems.


11 in favor, none opposed.


Resolution 3:

The VM approves a budget of NIS 6,500 + VAT for the purchase and installation of a secure storage unit for sifrei torah on the ground floor.


10 in favor, one abstained.