åòã îðäì éùéáú   October 12th 2010áñ''ã                                                       


In Attendance:                  Noomi Stahl (co-Chair), J. Rosenberg (co-Chair), Gary Ginsburg (Treasurer), Michael Stahl, , David Gleicher, Penina Arbit, Danny Gottlieb, Deborah Kalker, Daniel Rohrlich, Eudice Winer-Harris, Esther Edell, Dana Goldberg? Dov Cooper

Debbie Greniman (Va’adat Bikoret)

Apologies:                         Koby Ableman, Gary Heller, Sara Avitzour,  Miriam Fine, Carol Fuchs

  1. Approval of minutes:

Corrections have been mailed to the office by Daniel Rohrlich & will be incorporated. The minutes were approved.

  1. Summary of Chagei Tishrei


Email from kobi: so let me give a few of my thoughts about the chagim

i think that there should be an evaluation session together with the gabbaim and gabbaiot including a representation from the early minyan.


first of all i think overall things went well.

kol hakavod to all -

i did not do as much this year because of our simcha just prior to rosh hashana


there needs to be a little fine tuning to the schedule - next year we have a bit more time in the beginning of sept so i hope that we can work on it in a timely fashion and have time to proof read the schedule.

next year the chagim are later which will entail the obvious changes.  hopefully by next year summer time will continue until after sukkot.


i saw a desire for an earlier (additional) minyan on chol hamoed mornings.  i would propose a minyan that starts at 615 am and the second would start at 715 or 730 am.  

in general there needs to be a gabbai (even if it is not one of the regular gabbaim) at tfilla on chol hamoed mornings.  this is true for chol hamoed pesach also.



first night rosh hashana is a bit "busy".  there is achot ktana, the yoshev rosh address and a dvar torah.  i propose that we drop either the yoshev address or the dvar torah.


shacharit on the two mornngs of rosh hashana seemed to take a bit longer than usual.  this probably indicates a need for better "hadracha" prior to the chagim.


menachem loberbaum mentioned during his drasha on shabbat shuva that at shira chadasha they had a prep session for the baalei tfilla,gabbaim and vaad prior to the chagim .  i propose that we adopt this practice (adapted to our kehilla).  this would help get us all on the "same page".


it is obvious that there is some tension in the kehilla regarding the children.  we will (should) have the new space available next year.  but we need to think (talk) in advance as to what will be the space arrangement be then.  for example will the second kol nidre be in the new space or in its current space.


simchat torah - i enjoyed - although i was at the early minyan.  if this years arrangement was acceptable i would continue it.  againt he additional space next year gives more flexibility.  

it seemed to me that the kids kriah took too long.  they could have used two sfarim and finished faster.


the chatanim and kallot should be announced in advance in order to give them the kavod that they deserve.  a day or two in advance is enough.  


there should be a way for the kehilla to make suggestions/comments regarding the running of the chagim without it becoming a major discussion on deot.




Pnina had major problems with the membership forms. Many omitted to fill in what seats they wanted for YOM Kippur. It was a vital section yet was small & in Hebrew only. We are looking into putting the form online digitalized. (without payment). Issues were raised of securing information online and the expense involved. Noomi raised that another problem with the forms is that there is a lot of information that is filled it yet ignored afterwards/ Need to pay attention to what we request to be filled in.need to use the info we gather. I added re dmei chaver receipting and payments issue. Clarified that legal & sorted out with bookseeper ad needs to be clarified & clear instructions on form for at least two payments the first of 200 nis

early minyan worked very well. Attended by around 50-60.and around 40 women. Both minyanim worked well together over te chagim in general. No conflicts occurred. The decision not to make extra minyanim was correct.

Noomi said well attended & everything went amazingly smoothly & thanks to all involved.

Hoshana rabba there was no gabai & one needs to be assigned.

  1. Rabin's yahrzeit

Next week chaim guri will be speaking – one of the great writers of this generatiob wrote on shir hareut to the book on eichman served in plamach & childhood friend of rabin

Chaim goldgrabber brought him to us – wonderful opportunity

  1. Blood-drive

Randi garber – organized cheshvan is social action month trying to find date cos appropriate

  1. Shabbat Hekirut

Deborah Kalker asked for someone to assign hostings for the 37 different people & so far only 7 hosts

Having pot luck for shabbat lunch and others will have to wait to be hosted on another date

32 people coming to pot luck but only one is a new family and need more than that & running out of time

Pnina offered to do matching to hosts


Looking into shbbaton- ein gedi arad or yeruscham at the beginning of January

  1. Cookbook

Deb K idea for 30th year anniversary (this winter) to get everyone to send in recipe & dd bio & pic of family and brief summary of vision etc

Advertising will fund it and there will be a evening for difft courses, themes eg soup & souptesting and pay entry

Deb says part should go to tzedaka

  1. Building update

Jay:  Moving ahead apace done significant work inside and started preparing outside area for ramp

  1. Financial update

Esthers last report. Handing over to Gary

Esther & Gary met last Friday morning. Gary very impressed with system. Report attached.

Pointed out that still missing update of postdated cheques so can estimated dmei chaver income (sefer kupa?)

General Donations tokehilla high


Expense of 17.864 against contingency fund from court case against old kablan from original building work that he won

Noomi uncomfortable using money from building fund now when expectation is from people making donations is that it is actually being used for building.

Esther agrees with Noomi that it should come out of general fund for that reason

Jay – if we had paid it originally it would have come out of building fund

But building fund still trying to raise money to cover current building

If at end of building there is a surplus t can then be taken from that surplus

Pnina: BUC being more picky about what events they accept e.g. non member shabbat meal, because they don’t make financial sense…so need to adjust projection figures

Dov: also cut back on evening events


Thanks to esther for great works as gizbarit

  1. 30 Anniversary celebration

when basement is done sometime this winter

yedidya's got talent?

  1. Discussion on guidelines for Divrei Torah/Halacha Misc.

Noomi same problem recurs of what passes & what doesn’t as divrei torah/ divrei halacha what is appropriate & what isn’t. some want to use it as a platform and other oppose its use in this way. Need to be discussed and approached.

Debbie comment on Deot many different political issues but time of prayer is not the place for it.

Some believe it davka is but many don’t


Fine line between musar & politics

I brought up the issue of Daniel raising it a s programming issue – it is a value of the community & if drashot are not the forum then what is?

Esther – does not feel drashot is appropriate time & it is an abuse of the platform

Gary G – thinks dvar torah is made moiré interesting when related to some thing happening in the present day whether social or political and no problem in linking it under the guise of ethics but have to be careful how it is said in a non provocative manner but rather stimulating not overt and there needs to be a  'right of reply' forum (deot/kiddush)

David G just wants them brief (5-10 minutes)

Deborah: this momet is a moment of kehilla and saw difficulty of Shaliach tzibur to compose himself aftera  provocative dvar. Not the time to be devisive of the community at the point where it has to reenter prayer as a kehila.

Michael: clear & present danger – we value community over right of open speech –

Debbie: do we need to set down protocol for this issue?

Dana: vaad can make guidelines. Spersonally thinks shouldn’t be incendiary & divisive & people know exactly what's involved & what that means, rather than barring people

Miriam yedidya has a guideline that one cannot slur any specific elemenet of the Israeli population in the drasha clear policy for the last 20 years – should go out again a s a clear statement – in Yediot to guy that organizes divrei torah

Appropriate forums can be found – organize discussion groups after kiddush etc

In summary Noomi:

Agree to send reminder of guideline to Yediot that not allowed to slur individual or sector of Israeli population in the dvar torah

Debbie appropriate to raise a difficult question but not to answer it for everyone & to label one group as being at fault


  1. Programming

Admin personnel issue

  1. Misc.

Meet the vaad – Noomi suggests making announcement fo meet the vaad session in the 10 mins after kiddush in an upcoming shabbat

  1. DONM Tuesday, November. 16th at 8pm