Minutes of Vaad Menahel meeting 08.12.09


Present: Miriam Fine, Noomi Stahl (co-chairpersons), Kobi Ableman, Bob Caroll, Gary Heller, Daniel Rohrlich

Carol Fuchs, Debbie Greiniman (Vaadat Bikoret)

Gaby Shine Markowitz, Philip Yakar (Staff)


Apologies: Penina Arbit, Esther Edell, Randi Garber, David Gleicher, Michael Stahl


  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Were approved and signed.


  1. New Programming Director

Gaby Shine Markowitz was introduced to the Vaad.


  1. Budget 2010

Because of Esther's absence( because of sickness) the budget was not discussed.


  1. Keren Ezvonot

Ø  There are still technical problems with the hearing loop and it is not clear that they can be solved. As a result we may not be able to benefit from the 2009 grant of 10,000 NIS.

Ø  We have received notification of a grant of 10,000 NIS for tables and bookcases for the Learning Centre, this for 2010.

Ø  The paperwork for grant requests for 2011 is due to be received in February. The web-site will be checked to see what we can apply for.


  1. Hachnasat Sefer Torah – 23.12.09

Bob Carroll reported as follows:

-        he has consulted with Noomi and the Hammers about the programme;

-        at 17:30 the Sofer will be here to explain to children how he carried out the repair work;

-        at 18:15 we will walk with the Sefer to the Cromer house for the mantel to be put on;

-        18:30, the procession back will begin;

-        19:00 Chupah, music and the Shul Sifrei Torah will be outside. Liora Hammer-Kossoy and friends will receive the Sefer for the congregation;

-        Robert or Barbara Hammer will speak briefly, upstairs, followed by a Dvar Torah (in Hebrew) by Yoni Hammer;

-        The Sefer will be placed in the Ark, followed by Maariv & refreshments.

A representative of Amutat Menorah has been invited.

Items still open:

-        Kibudim to be given to Kehilla members. T'hilim to be read by women.

-        Photographer.

-        Musical instruments (Jeff Green has agreed to play. Others are being recruited).

-        Chuppah needed.

-        Advise Community Television of the event.

-        Article in 'In Jerusalem' – need for more information about the history of the Sefer.

-        Invite R. Menachem Hacohen.

-        Suggested Tzedakah boxes be available.

-        Advertising – Shuls, Janglo, etc.


  1. Mesibat Chanukah Monday 14.12.09 17:00

Noomi reported:

-        Facebook signing-up, in lobby upstairs. Help/cameras will be available. A form for required information (Hebrew & English) will be available.

-        There will be a book-swap on an exchange basis. A second-hand book store has agreed to take left-overs.

-        Music, members playing.

-        Food, brought by members.

-        Activities for children.

-        Candle-lighting.

Suggested Building Fund pledge forms be available.


  1. Vaad Minhag v'Halachah

The Vaad met recently and discussed a number of items. Debbie Weissman will distribute a summary of the discussions.


  1. Learning Centre

The tender is due out now. There are still issues with the Irya over permits. It is hoped to start building work in a few weeks time. The final plan is to be shown to the Kehilla.


  1. Lawsuit & Building Repairs

Our lawyer, Mark Sherman, will be fixing a time with the Kablan, David Cohen, to visit and agree a schedule of work and time for the repairs.


  1. Beit Midrash Zahuyot

Because of very low participation Pelech and Kolech decided to stop the programme.


  1. Shabbaton

Thanks to the organizers – Debbie Kalker, Sharon Greenblat-Deitch and Neil Pearlman (t'filot) for their wonderful work. Kobi suggested we not use Ein Gedi again in the upcoming years.


  1. Miscellaneous

a.      We have received a request from the organization י"ב בחשון to sign a petition to have a book banned. The book, written by a group of rabbi's, maintain that it is acceptable to kill non-Jews ('goyim'). In addition they want to petition the High Court to have the book banned for incitement. For this they are requesting participation in the costs, up to 1000 NIS per person/organisation. Agreed that first the book should be read (Bob Carroll asked to receive a copy of the book), and then, if necessary, condemned. Banning books is not a step to be taken easily. If we finally agree to participate financially the Kehilla will be informed and asked to make donations.

b.      Jews for Jesus

The organization is renting space for an education centre in the Talpiot Industrial Area. Suggested that Yedidya take steps to protest the situation.

c.      Purim

Kobi reminded the Vaad that this year there should be a list of people who give to each recipient. Also, extra help may be needed for preparation.

d.      Shabbat Hagadol

Falls two days before Leil Haseder. Recommended that meals be available at the Shul.

e.      Employment of secretary

The agency ((האגודה למען שרותי בריאות הציבור that gives support to Helena has strongly requested that we continue to employ her. Philip suggested that it would benefit Yedidya since she carries out functions that would be very time consumingfor Gaby. However, this would cause a financial problem for us and this was mentioned to the agency.

Their representative indicated that they may be able to help. Noomi agreed to go back to them and ask the

extent of such help. When this is known we will be in a position to make a final decision. It was agreed that we should ask the agency for a commitment of at least a year.      


  1. Date of next meeting

Tuesday January 5th, 2010 at 20:00.