Kehilat Yedidya  Minutes Vaad Menahel July 6, 2009


Present:  Noomi Stahl, Miriam Fine (Co-Chairpersons), Randy Garber, Kobi Abelman, Esther Edell, Bob Caroll, Pnina Arbit, Michael Stahl, Carol Fuchs

1.      Reviewed notes of previous meeting. Notes were approved pending amendment written by Esther Edell regarding No. 4: Membership.

2.      Ask Kupat Tzedaka how much money they received from the proceeds of “High School Musical”

3.      Approved new signatories – Esther Edell, Noomi Stahl, Miriam Fine and Gary Heller. Randy Garber and Neil Pearlman are no longer signatories. All checks require two signatures and the KY stamp.

4.      Noomi reported on the plans to have a joint Thursday evening 3 month pilot Kolech and Pelech beit midrash, called Zehuyot,  concurrent with  the Ein Tzurim beit midrash beginning in September. The format will be different – more lectures – and the intended participants are somewhat younger.

5.      Artwork – the next two exhibits will take place as planned – Yehuda Miklaf and Marcel Chitreet. The cost of taking down, storing and putting up Ann Cromer’s mural Jacob’s Dream will be looked into. It is most likely that a compromise in which the mural is displayed when there are no art exhibits will be the final result. At the moment the feasibility of this is being examined. Miriam agreed to talk to Ann and Judith.  A discussion about the cost benefit of art exhibits was initiated by Esther. This was followed by a discussion of the overall purpose of art exhibits. It was suggested that an auction of the art exhibited be held at the end of each exhibition. This would of course be planned together with the exhibiting artists. Judith is to be consulted on this idea.

6.      Tisha b’AV – Speaker is Ed Greenstein on Megilat Eicha.

7.      Yamim Noraim – gabbaim should start planning, Kobi will set up chart of times, Penina will write the list of tasks. Currently assigned seating will only be for Kol Nidre and Neila. The pros and cons of assigned seating were reviewed. It was suggested that seats be assigned only for people with special needs and that after a certain hour the “reservation” be cancelled.

8.      Fundraising idea – Screen comedy “Circumcise Me” by Israel Campbell. It’s a 60 minute film by Matt Kalman and he is willing to let KY use the film free of charge. Target date is October. Needs event coordinator.

9.      Credit card – Decided that it is basically much too expensive to begin to use.

10.  Rainbow Mosaic on electric company building on Derech Hebron. KY will host a community event to discuss what can be done to save the mosaic.

11.  Reviewed recommendations of Personnel Committee. In light of the increased needs for programming resulting from the basement building project, it was decided to accept the recommendation of the PC and change the job description and personnel requirements for KY's administrative position. By Sept 1 a job search for a 3/4 time program planner and synagogue administrator will begin. Philip will be given notice well before then.