Minutes of Vaad Menahel Meeting - August 21, 2007

Present: Penina Arbit, Randi Garber (co-chairs), Kobi Abelman, Jody Blum, Warren Burstein, Simon Caplan, Esther Edell, Donna Goldberg, Daniel Rohrlich, Neil Pearlman, Bobbie Silberklang, Philip Yakar (administrator)

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

were approved and signed.

Recycling Project

The Vaad welcomed Sari and Yehuda Manor to the meeting.

Sari gave a detailed explanation of the project, as follows:

The project has two aims, environmental and social. Every day workers, as part of their rehabilitation programme, go to stores, restaurants and apartment blocks to collect bottles that have a 25 agorot deposit which the owners do not recycle. These bottles are passed on to a company that pays the 25 agorot to the collectors. The workers are paid a special rate, according to their skills, fixed by organizations that have government approval. These organizations served also as employers but the government has fixed new rules, which oblige the operating body (in this instance Sari Manor) to be the employer. Sari's preference is that an existing Amuta take this on, and is requesting that Yedidya do this. Sari is not interested in setting up her own Amuta. At present Sari is using her own vehicle but this needs replacing. She has applied to some funds and foundations, but she knows that they will only grant funding to an Amuta.

In sum the financial forecast is that the income will cover everything - administrative, personnel and general running costs. A business plan has been prepared and it shows all the necessary details, organizational and financial. In any event Sari indicated that in no circumstances would Yedidya be expected to shoulder any financial burden.

Philip explained that our Legal Adviser has indicated that the Project is within the remit of the aims of the Yedidya Amuta.

Members of the Vaad expressed appreciation and admiration for the project, but were concerned about any financial burden that might fall on Yedidya, particularly regarding liability resulting from use of the vehicle. They asked, therefore, that Philip consult with our book-keeper and insurance agent about all possible ramifications. Contigent upon these answers being acceptable to the Finance Committee, the Vaad approved the project being administered under Yedidya's auspices.


So far some 125 members, old and new, have paid dues for the upcoming year. We are also awaiting replies from another 27 current members. Vaad members asked for the number of members who had paid the extra 100 NIS donation we had requested. Apparently only very few had done so.

Update on Building Repairs

Philip reported on meetings with the architect, kablan and an expert on glass, recommended by Marc Render.

The kablan agreed to contact the glass manufacturer to check the specifications. He will make any changes required. In addition he will make repairs to the roof and the manifestations of water damage, before Rosh Hashana. The law-suit brought against us by the former building supervisory engineer is in the hands of our lawyer.

Purchase of Chairs

This discussion was open to the general membership and Judith Green, Brian Blum, Marc Render and Haim Watzman took part.

Marc Render reviewed the lengthy process, financial and practical, which led to the two options which were offered for choice at the meeting. The criteria were: comfort, aesthetics, durability and stackability.

The chair search committee (Judith, Eudice, Marc and Haim) were thanked for their considerable efforts. A lengthy discussion on the pros and cons took place covering all the possible issues and it was decided to purchase 250 chairs of the 'Herman Miller' type, as recommended by the chair committee. The vote was six for, five against; one abstention the three members of the chair search committee did not vote but the one non-vaad member did. The colour of the chairs has yet to be decided. We will try to order 50 chairs before Yom Kippur as we are short of the number of chairs we need.. If they are not available we will ask members to lend chairs.

Yamim Noraim. Action List

The list, which was circulated before the meeting, was considered and completed and all involved will be advised. Kobi and Esther will complete the schedule which will be ready by the end of next week. Information to be included in the schedule should be sent to them.

Shmita at Kehillat Yedidya

The recommendation of the Minhag and Halachah committee was received as follows.

"In the Vaad Halacha we had said that the kiddush food must be brought from somewhere with a teudah of sorts (at least Heter Mechirah). In terms of peels it is probably a good idea to have a "pach shmitta" that would be for peels, etc. The only problem is that different foods have kedushat shvi'it at different times and it is better not to mix things up. On second thought most of what is brought for kiddush are salad vegetables and fruit. Salad things are all from shvi'it pretty much immediately and fruit not until Tu b'Shvat. We could put up a sign to that effect (truthfully veggies that are heter mechirah are only Kodesh l'chumra but perhaps to just say all veggies since if one person brings Kodesh then that can't be thrown out.)

TO SUM UP: we could put a sign asking that all vegetable produce until Tu B'shvat and then also fruit stuffs should be disposed of in a special garbage can that will be marked in the kitchen. Sunday morning it could be tied up and thrown into the regular garbage.

The recommendation was for the minimum level, the vaad decided to facilitate a more nuanced observance and to ask those who wish to label the produce brought to kiddush (Heter Mechira, Otzar Beit Din). Rules for all involved in Kiddush duty will be made known and signs will be placed in the Kitchen.

New Procedure for taking out the Sefer Torah, before the women's reading

The Minhag and Halachah committee will be asked for the rationale behind their recommendations, and the matter will then be discussed by the Vaad at the next meeting. Meanwhile, the new way will be tried at the women's Torah reading Shabbat Shuvah. Kobi will check this out with the Reiner family who are holding a Shabbat Kallah in honour of their daughter's upcoming marriage.

Date of next meeting

Monday, 29th October 2007 at 20:00.

More minutes