VAAD MEETING - December 16, 2002 


Present: Neil, Penina, Warren, Debbie, Dov, Yoni, Tzvi, Arnie


NEXT MEETING:  TUESDAY JANUARY 7, 2003 20:00pm at Dov's home

1) Minutes of Meetings

In future, minutes will not be placed on Yediot Yedidya, “sandwiched” amongst advertisements. A separate e-mail message will be sent containing links to the minutes on the kehilla website. The minutes of the following recent meetings have yet to be sent: the last Vaad meeting, the special building/fundraising update general meeting, the halacha/minhag committee and maaseh committee.

2) Noar Activities budget

Approved:  400NIS subsidy for the Ein Gedi Youth trip (retroactively).

                   100 shekels for a youth Kiddush after the separate Kabbalat Shabbat they will be holding.

 In the future, the co-chairs and the Treasurer will be authorized to approve expenditures of up to 500NIS for “last minute” or “emergency” situations, though full Vaad approval for all non-routine expenditures is still preferred.

3) Financial Report 

Dov presented an updated spreadsheet of expenses and income. It was mentioned again that the Kehilla can afford to purchase better quality Kiddush wine.

4) Building Report (See 8 below)

Receiving approval of the electrical systems as a condition for obtaining the occupancy permit (Tofes 4) could be a problem that will defer occupancy, since the municipality, as owner of the land, is also involved in the bureaucratic process. However, the plan is still to enter the building by Purim.

5) Fundraising Report

a)  The capital campaign committee is actively seeking a source for the 3rd. loan of 125,000 dollars required for stage 2 completion.


b) The committee has hired a special bookkeeper, on a temporary basis, to review all financial information and prepare reports to the committee on alternative options for loan repayments.


c) Nikki Lachs has suggested asking all members of the kehilla to solicit friends and family for small sums of money for the new building. If 100 people could each find 40 friends and relations to donate $ 50 each, a total of $100,000 will have been raised.

6) Maaseh Committee 

The second minyan reservoir for Shiva needs is being organized by Jonathan Fein. Mizmor Watzman is working on a list of babysitters.

7) Halacha/Minhag Committee

The second meeting discussed the issue of Hallel on Yom Ha'atzma'ut.  The committee decided to recommend to the Vaad to continue the present policy of saying full Hallel with a Bracha on Yom Ha'atzma'ut, as this was already an established minhag in Yedidya. However, the committee took very seriously the need for sensitivity to the suffering of the Palestinian people, and therefore recommended that the prayer for peace (Tefila L'Shalom), be added to the Yom Haatzmaut service as a meaningful symbolic gesture.


This recommendation was accepted by the Vaad.


In order for members to be clear on the role of this committee in the community, Debbie agreed, with other members, to prepare a paper explaining the proposed decision-making model.


The next meeting will discuss the issue of increasing women's participation in tefilla.

8)   Special general meeting on completion of the building 

Haim Watzman was invited to clarify some of the misunderstanding that has arisen since the meeting on November 27th.


The following points were stressed:


a) The meeting was held to gauge opinion about the completion of the building, whether further loans should be sought, and if so, for what amounts of money.

b) The result was very clearly in favor of seeking a further loan of $125,000.

c) Until a source is found, no building work will be approved unless present funds are available.

d) If a source is found, a further general meeting will be necessary to present repayment schedules and methods, and give formal approval.

e) The proposal to repay a loan by a building levy was one suggested repayment method. If it is not acceptable to a future meeting, it will not be adopted.

f) A compulsory building levy, (if finally adopted by a future meeting) plus higher maintenance costs could certainly mean that the future costs of membership are much higher than present. However, it must be remembered that the figures used at the meeting and recorded in the minutes were the highest possible estimate, assuming no more funds are raised and no income is generated from hiring out the building for use by outside groups.

g)  Membership dues would have to be arranged so that various groups (such as new members, young families, etc.) can receive discounts and exemptions without stigmatizing them or making them feel they were being subsidized by others in the community.

9)  Action Plan for moving into the new building.

In the light of the above, working groups on the following topics (in order of importance) should be set up now:


a) Dedication Ceremony (when, who etc.)

b) Maintenance/upkeep (procedures, equipment, rules, hired staff, etc.)

c)  Uses of Building

d)  Kitchen (procedures, equipment, rules)

10) Shabbaton

No venue and date fixed yet. According to the questionnaire completed at the end of last year's shabbaton, the most important factors are: proximity (up to about two hours); price (inexpensive is better); and an atmosphere of “beyachad”.

11) Youth Representation on the Vaad

A request for this was received and approved.

12) Review of recent events: Chanukah

The Friday morning breakfast, the kids’ football competition and the Motzei Shabbat games night were a big success.

13) Time limits for Divrei Torah

Organizers should be reminded of established policy, i.e.:  3-5 minutes on Erev Shabbat, and 5-7 minutes on Shabbat morning.




More minutes