About the community

Yedidya is a liberal Orthodox community

The community is located in Jerusalem’s Baka neighborhood comprising some 190 households. Yedidya was founded in 1980 by a vanguard of women and men who saw a need for a Jerusalem community whose services accord with the halacha while allowing the active participation of all the members.

Through its social vision and its commitment to the Torah and mitzvot, Kehillat Yedidya crosses boundaries in Israeli society. It is an active community that works together for a more just, democratic, and pluralist society, while fostering a vibrant communal life of Torah study, mutual aid, and charity.

This week at Yedidya

Parsha Questions PDF
Shabbat Iyun and Seuda Shlishi 5/4/2025
Oranim Junction - Shabbat Para Vayakhel
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Upcoming Events

Shabbat Hagadol Meals
April 4th-5th

Prayer Schedule


Sun, Tue, Wed, Fri 6:30 am

Mon & Thurs 6:20 am

Rosh Hodesh 6:15 am


Shabbat morning times - 6:45, 8:30

For the rest of the prayer times on Shabbat - refer to Yedidiya news


Sundays at 20:00 Bible class with Miryam Brand (Eng)

Tuesdays 18:45 Shiur with Pinhas Leiser

Thursdays 8:51 Morning Tanakh 929

Thursdays 9:00 Morning Tanakh 929 (Eng)

Don’t forget! Don’t Give up!

This Shabbat, Shabbat Pkudei, the communities of southern Jerusalem are gathering together for “Mishmeret 101 Shomeret Shabbat” for prayer, silence, and singing.

Oranim Junction 11:30 am – 12:30 pm.

Come dressed in white and spread the word

Following the quiet initiative of the hostages’ mothers. In a spirit of mutual responsibility for the sake of completing the deal and the return of all the hostages.

Additional details and prayers of Tzvi, father of Ben Zussman, z”l:


And to establish additional Mishmorot Shabbat posts. 💛 It is our duty to remember, to remind, and to act. 💛💛💛🎗️🎗️💛

Kehillat Hakhel. In memory of Hersh and Yuval. In light, love and peace. 🕊️

לא לשכוח! לא לוותר!

השבת, שבת פקודי, פרה, קהילות דרום ירושלים מתכנסות יחד למשמרת 101 שומרת שבת לתפילה, לשתיקה ולשירה.

צומת אורנים, 11:30-12:30 בואו בלבן והפיצו.

בעקבות היוזמה השקטה של אימהות החטופים. מתוך ערבות הדדית, למען השלבים הבאים של העסקה והחזרתם של כל החטופים והחטופות.


פרטים נוספים ותפילתו של צבי אבא של בן זוסמן ז”ל:


ולהקמת משמרות שבת נוספות. 💛 חובתנו לזכור, להזכיר ולפעול. 💛💛💛🎗️🎗️💛

קהילת הַקְהֵל. לזכר הירש ויובל. באור, אהבה ושלום 🕊️


The Kesher Committee is here to serve you. We are a team of fellow Yedidya members ready to be of assistance. If you are feeling isolated or lonely, experiencing medical or other challenges, or simply have questions about Yedidya, please call any of the “Kesher contacts” listed below.


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