English below

קהילת ידידיה

ועד מנהל

פרוטוקול הישיבה מיום 14.10.15


הישיבה התקיימה בקהילת ידידיה.



חברי ועד מנהל: עדינה גולומבק, יפה שירה גרוסברג, חנה לוין, יצחק אביגד, דוד גליישר, קובי אייבלמן, רפאל אמלן, דינה וינר

מנהלנית: מרים פיין

חברות ועדת ביקורת: דבורה גריינמן, שרון אדרי

חברת ועדה אחרת: יהודית וינר



1. הרעיון של ייסוד קרן בנייה מתמשכת (ongoing building fund)  יהיה על סדר היום של הישיבה הבאה של הועד המנהל.

2. המנהלנית תעבוד עם וורן בורשטיין בנושאי מאגר מידע (database) ודוא"ל כולל חשבון דוא"ל של יושבי הראש, ותדווח בישיבה הבאה.

3. מורשי החתימה בחשבון הבנק של קהילת ידידיה יהיו עדינה גולומבק, חיים וייצמן, יעקב מאשיטי, ורפאל אמלן.

4. הועד המנהל מסמיכה חברים פורשים של הועדה לעניינים ציבוריים להישאר במשרותיהם עד שייבחרו מחליפים או עד יום 1.1.16, לפי המוקדם יותר.

5. החלטה על זהותם ומספרם של יושבי הראש נדחית לישיבה הבאה של הועד המנהל.

6. (לפי הצבעה 5-2) הועד המנהל דחה בקשה לאשר הוצאה של3,000 ₪ עבור ביטוח נוסף לכיסוי פעילויות פיזיות בקהילת ידידיה מעבר לאלו המתרחשות במהלך הרגיל של פעילויות של בית הכנסת.

7. ועדת הנוער מתבקשת לפרסם לחיפוש פונים לתפקיד מנהל נוער בהליך פתוח.

8. יש לפנות לדוד בוגומולני לוודא אם הוא יסכים לפתח דף הפעילויות של קהילת ידידיה בפייסבוק כאתר קידום (promotion venue).






Minutes of Va'ad Menahel meeting, October 14, 2015, at Kehillat Yedidya


Va'ad Members: Adina Golombek, Yaffa Shira Grossberg, Hanna Levine, Yitzhak Avigad, David Gleicher, Kobi Abelman, Ralph Amelan, Dina Weiner, Sharon Edri

Administrator: Miriam Fine

Va'ad Bikoret and others: Debbie Greniman, Eudice Winer


Decisions taken at meeting, Wednesday, October 14.


1. The idea of instituting of an ongoing building fund will be on the agenda at the next VM meeting.

2. The Administrator is to work with Warren Burstein in dealing with database and email issues, including the Yoshvei Rosh email account, and will report back at the next meeting

3. The authorized signatories on the Yedidya bank account are to be Adina Golombek, Haim Watzman, Ya'acov Mascetti, and Ralph Amelan.

4. The Va'ad Menahel authorizes the retiring members of the Public Affairs Committee to remain in their posts until replacements are chosen or January 1, 2016, whichever is earlier.

5. A decision on the identity and number of the Yoshvei Rosh is deferred to the next Ya'ad Menahel meeting.

6. (By 5 – 2 vote) The Va'ad Menahel turned down a request to authorize expenditure of NIS 3,000 to pay for extra insurance to cover physical activities at Kehillat Yedidya other than those occurring in the normal course of synagogue activities.

7. The Youth Committee is requested to advertise for applicants for a new Youth Director in an open procedure.

8. David Bogamoly should be approached to see if he was willing to develop Yedidya's events page on Facebook as a promotion venue.



The Hagim. After approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, the Va'ad discussed how the services over the Hagim had worked out. There was a consensus that the second minyan on Rosh Hashana had been successful: the difference in finishing times between the two minyanim worked out at twenty minutes.

Other ideas and topics were mooted:

Ushers. The suggestion was made that next year, there should be readily identifiable ushers, one man and one woman, to assist worshippers.

Assigned seating. The administrator noted that paying guests in particular demanded identifiable seats, and in addition, families wanted to sit together. Arguments over seating during services caused disturbance to the prayers of those around them. The meeting aired ideas for tackling the issue. The membership form could have a provision for those wishing to have reserved seats to request them. It was noted that not everyone who reserved seats actually showed up at the service, meaning there were empty seats while others had to stand or sit apart. Letting reserved seats be taken by others for Musaf was criticized on the grounds that there were valid reasons for not making it to Yedidya on time, and families who arrived even very late should not find their places taken.

Wheelchairs / strollers. It was proposed that members needing to have wheelchairs or strollers in the prayer areas should say so on the membership form, so that their needs could be catered for in advance.

Membership. The effects of assigned seating on membership subscription and renewals was discussed, with a note that the Hagim were early this year. The membership form itself was criticised as being too long and not user-friendly.

Feedback. The meeting noted that Michael Stahl would welcome feedback from members as to how services over the Hagim could be improved. A survey could be drafted and circulated to members.

Other points. Complaint was made that the succa had not been put up carefully enough, and the patio should be reconsidered as a venue. Otherwise, the meeting noted that Hosha'ana Rabba services were better than last year, Simhat Tora had gone very well indeed, and having two minyanim for Hol Hamo'ed Succot had worked save for one day. The experiment of hiring an outside person to supervise the children had not worked: he did not know them, and twelve-year olds in particular had reacted poorly to this. Again, there were problems of untidiness.


Water leaks in Mercaz Dov. Miriam said that the engineer had submitted his report. A committee had been formed and had discussed it, deciding to implement a seven or eight step plan to deal with the leaks, which worked out as being likely less expensive than the engineer had wanted. Three estimates from different contractors were being sought, taking care that the costings for work in each estimate would be directly comparable.

The main problem was that rainwater was coming into the building. The ramp needed to be waterproofed and provided with a gutter, a drainpipe situated further away from the building, and a few other measures taken to correct problems.

Youth Director. Nobody had been found to succeed Meital as youth director, and it was decided to request the Youth Committee to advertise for applicants in an open procedure.

Facebook. The question of whether the Kehila could use the Facebook page to promote public events to a wider audience was discussed. The current Facebook page administrators did not do this sort of promotion, and it was felt that the services of a person experienced in this field was required. It was decided to ask David Bogamoly, who had previously been approached with the idea of taking charge of the Facebook events page, to see if he was willing to take it on. The idea of joining Reshut Harabim with the aim of circulating news of our events there was mooted.

Email. The Va'ad noted dissatisfaction with the way in which emails were being received: sometimes several hours after they were sent. This problem had persisted for many months, and it was decided that the Yedidya office should work with Warren to see if these issues could be resolved within the existing computer system.

Payment of membership dues through PayPal and credit card. The meeting discussed the use of electronic payment of membership dues through a button on the form .It was noted that both PayPal and the credit card took 2% of the dues in fees. Some members of the Va'ad expressed reservations about paying with PayPal: the payment came 'disconnected' from the membership form, using PayPal had not led to a surge in contributions, and the Yedidya office found that, contrary to expectation, using PayPal did not save administrative work.

Security. Hershey Katz had organized a rota of five people licensed to carry guns over the hagim to answer current security concerns. The meeting discussed the merits of hiring a security guard as against having members licensed to carry guns providing protection, and whether Yediot Yedidya should state that there were security arrangements.

Miscellaneous. Shoshana Baumgarten was coordinating estimates for improving the acoustics of the prayer hall upstairs. Yoni Moss was suggested as a possible candidate for the Minhag / Halacha committee. Changes were needed in the format of the Shabbat Hekerut, as it was not meeting the needs of the primarily Hebrew-speaking young families who were joining the Kehila: they preferred meeting other young families. It was decided not to pay for increased insurance cover to enable Yedidya to host physical activities at its premises.  
