åòã îðäì  ôâéùúMARCH 3RD 2010áñ''ã                                                        


In attendance:                    Noomi Stahl (co-Chair), Kobi Ableman, Randi Garber, Esther Edell, David Gleicher, Daniel Rohrlich

Debbie Grenimann (Vaad Bikoret)

Gaby Shine Markowitz (Staff)

Apologies:                          Miriam Fine (co- chair), Michael Stahl, Pnina Arbit, Bob Carroll, Gary Heller

                                             Carol Fuchs (Vaad Bikoret)


               The minutes were approved.


        Miriam Fine has requested to officially resign as co-chair of the Vaad.

        This was approved by the Vaad with               much appreciation expressed for Miriam.

        The Vaad voted unanimously to accept J. Rosenberg as the new acting co chair of the Vaad & would like their        appreciation to J. for taking on the role of co-chair to be noted.




        Esther Edell reported on a very successful campaign (see detailed report attached to the end of these minutes).       The report is not final as it does not take the Seuda & other expenses of around 1000 NIS into account.

The Mishloach Manot fundraiser income totaled around the expected estimate. Machazit Hashekel was not budgeted in as we budgeted conservatively and is therefore in addition to the total amount. There is also a $250 contribution coming through PEF and one postdated cheque.

Matanot L’evyonim is taken directly by the Kupat Tzadaka.


Comments & Feedback:

·        Kobi:

        How many members donated (Noomi reported that it was about half of the membership) and how               does that compare to previous years?

        Kobi would like to reinstate sending the letter with the Mishloach Manot saying who exactly sent the          Mishloach Manot as part of the campaign.

        We should do more marketing so that we can get more contributions for the chayalim. It was not clear to add 25 NIS for the chayalim.

        Purim night went well. The Gabaim did not pick anyone for Maariv again. There was not as much of         a problem on the street with parking as has been in previous years. And it was alleviated by the           amount of time between readings. The morning minyanim both had good turn outs.


·        Kobi thought Seuda was too crowded & not everyone had seats. It was suggested to have Seuda upstairs. Randi noted that the upstairs was built that way specifically so that events such as Purim Seuda could take place there. Noomi explained that it is hours of work to arrange the Seuda upstairs as we have to rearrange & take apart the chairs, the mechitza etc. Deborah thinks it is more appropriate downstairs.


·        Noomi noted that it is problematic that people don’t sign up in advance & that they just turn up.


·        Daniel commented that we have a policy not to buy wine & grape juice from settlements because it is not something the whole community can agree on & he thinks the same should apply to the Mishloach Manot. This proposal was accepted.



·        Gaby Strenger will be speaking Shabbat Hagadol after Shacharit.

·        MEALS: Meals are being taken care of by Moshe Bar Zeev

               There will be the possibility to order & eat both meals in Shul.

·        GOOGLE DOCS: Debbie G re-raised the issue of google docs to record such issues on it & Gaby will assist Debbie in setting up & reactivating the google docs system

·        SIYUM: A volunteer is still needed to organize the Siyum for Erev Pesach

·        TIMING:

        Early Shacharit & the Porat Barmitzva timing needs to be fine tuned.

        Yoel Kretzmer will be in Shul on the last day of Chag so mincha might be earlier.

·        KIDDUSHIM: There will be a big pot luck Kiddush on Shabbat Hagadol with lunch after the Shiur. There will be no Kiddush on 1st day Chag



There will be a Yom Iyun Shabbat after Yom Hashoah with a speaker on “Children’s Writing in the Ghettos”. It was suggested that the Yom Iyun Shabbat on subject of the Shoah should take place the Shabbat BEFORE  Yom Hashoah and not after.

David Roskies will speak in English on Yom Hashoah because there aren’t so many options for English speakers and we offer that niche & it is very well attended. He will be speaking on Sutzkover’s poetry. Kobi challenged the English option noting that it discourages our Hebrew speaking families from getting involved. Esther would like it to be in English. Daniel added that it is an ongoing dispute. Debbie says that it is a successful event & therefore it should be acceptable to occasionally not be so rigid about events being in Hebrew only.

The MEGILAT HASHOAH has been suggested to Yedidya by David Golinkin. It is a selection of texts collected by Avigdor Sheinan. David proposes that we read it on Yom Hashaoah as an experiential reading of this new text. Randi suggested that we do Mincha on Yom Hashoah & then whoever is interested can come in afterwards for a learning session that David can teach. The Kehilla is not into new ritual readings per se, rather educational sessions. Daniel has read it and does not think it factual enough to serve an educational purpose and not spiritual enough to serve a ritual purpose. Esther is not against trying it once and seeing how it goes. The Vaad concluded that we would like to offer David a chance to read or teach this at a future time, perhaps for next year’s Shabbat Iyun and we will postpone this opportunity until next year as we are already fully scheduled this year

6.      YOM HAATZMAUT: Ariel Pickard will be speaking Erev Yom Haatzmaut and the usual festivities will take place.



        Gaby will report with more details next meeting. We currently have a great deal of programming for adults that     fills up the calendar, but it is not strategically planned or streamlined. We intend to pinpoint suitable individuals      from the Kehilla to think tank regarding programming for various target groups that exist within the Kehilla              such as youth, singles, young families, golden age as well as the possible categories of activity e.g. educational       activities, social activities, cultural activities and social action. The process has started and Gaby has already met        with a number of key people. Randi is looking for social action as he feels we have enough study. Esther thinks        we need to turn more to older singles within Yedidya.


SHAVUOT:  Kobi has already spoken to Itay of the Beit Midrash regarding cooperation for Tikkun Layl programming. Debbie proposed that we need to start thinking about Shavuot in time to get our information into the joint communities/educational institutions’ advertisement. Kobi will coordinate a meeting in two weeks with Debbie, Gaby, Haim W & Haim G. to talk about Shavuot.



The hearing loop is now up & working! Rabbi Rosen from Machon Tzomet was here to check it & approved it. We cannot publicize it until the final technical connection has been made. He was informed him that we intend to publicize this first halachic hearing loop and he is happy with that. Debbie suggested an educational program around it. Noomi suggested Sagi (blind & deaf) or Israel Sykes (newly appointed Director of the Centre for Independent Living). As Sagi has said, it shouldn’t be a Chesed, rather a Zchut, to be able to hear the Tfilot & Drashot.


Randi suggested including on-ramp tactile stickers for the blind. There is a company in Jerusalem that does consultation for visual accessibility. Randi will give us the website information and check costs & we will then be able to check whether this is an item eligible for Keren Ezvonot.



·        Yedidya is co-sponsoring an event to campaign against Haredim spitting at Armenian clergy & members of the Armenian Christian community.  Andi Katz & Noomi have had discussions with Ron Kronish & the Armenian Archbishop on how we can help as a Kehilla. The Armenian archbishop wanted to know if we had any connections that could make this stop (e.g. Haredi Rabbis, Police, Iriya connections. It was decided together with the Interreligious Council to invite the Armenian Archbishop, a Roman Catholic priest and an academic to give background at the event which has been set for March 15th. The Armenian Archbishop was not interested in our coming to their Armenian Yom Hashoah event. We want to show our solidarity and have planned a three phase program. Firstly for members of the ARMENIAN COMMUNITY to come to Yedidya, secondly for us  to be invited to and experience the Armenian community & thirdly to demonstrate as a physical presence to express protest as Orthodox Jews. Daniel has experienced police non intervention in the case of the Tzomet Habankim stoning issue on Yom Kippur and noted that it is only when people protest repeatedly and persistently that the police cannot ignore it & have to step in. We have an opportunity to participate in a newspaper advertisement (haaretz etc) with two other organizations to protest this phenomena and this would cost us 900 NIS. (the ad costs 2700 NIS ) The vaad agreed to go ahead with this.


·        Randi asked whether the audited report is ready for the AGM that will take place in June. Esther will check with the bookkeepers. We also need to recruit new members for the Vaad.

  1. DONM

               Next meeting Tues APRIL 6th 2010 8PM


From: Esther Edell [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 4:49 PM
Subject: Final Purim Income

Dear Members of the Vaad HaMenahel and Vaadat Bikoret,

This year’s budget calls for the following vis-à-vis Purim income and expenses:




Purim Kupat Tzedaka



Purim General




Which means a net income of NIS 15,000 to the Shul General Fund and NIS 15,000 to the Kupat Tzedaka was budgeted.

I am very happy to report that we have exceeded our expectations by a large margin. Following is the final calculation:

Final amount to Kupat Tzedaka: NIS 17,048.02 (more than NIS 2,000 over the budgeted amount)

Final amount to Kehillat Yedidya General Fund: NIS 20,901.22 (almost NIS 6,000 over the budgeted amount)

The above amounts do not include the Matanot Le’Evyonim, 100% of which went directly to the Kupat Tzedaka.

The above amounts do include the following:

·        Net amount from Mishloach Manot fundraiser, split 50/50 between the shul General Fund and the Kupat Tzedaka

·        Machazit HaShekel income, split 50/50 between the shul General Fund and the Kupat Tzedaka

·        Income from Seudat Purim, to the shul General Fund

·        Payment to the shul for Mas Hachnasah credit of 35% to be received for issuing check to the shul instead of cash received, to the shul General Fund











1.      Some foreign currency cash was received on Purim and was handled as follows:

·        USD: $10 bill and $22.06 in coins kept by the Edells and included in NIS at rate of $1 = NIS 3.796

·        Euros: 5 Euro bill kept by the Edells and included in NIS at rate of 1 Euro = NIS 5.1519                          

2.      Included in the cash received were the following three coins that have not been included in the calculation:                                      

·        One 0.10 coin we think is from Greece                                                           

·        One 0.01 coin we think is from New Zealand                                                

·        One unidentified coin of unknown denomination minted by an unknown entity (to us anyway)             

We do not want these coins we do not know what they are worth and we seek advice from a competent Halachic source.




P.S. Special thanks to Mr. Steven Edell for counting all of the change!

All the best,

-- Esther