Minutes of Vaad Menahel meeting 13.10.09


Present: Miriam Fine, Noomi Stahl (chairpersons), Kobi Ableman, Penina Arbit, Bob Carroll, Esther Edell, David Gleicher, Daniel Rohrlich, Michael Stahl.

Debbie Greiniman (Vaadat Bikoret)

Philip Yakar (administrator)

Observers: Tom Harris, Dov Cooper, Steven Edell


Apologies: Randi Garber, Donna Goldberg, Gary Heller, Carol Fuchs (Vaadat Bikoret)


  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Were approved and signed.


  1. Guidelines for Deot

Following the political content of a recent posting some 50 members requested that they be removed from the distribution list of Deot. The following points were raised about the situation, including comments from the moderators, Dov Cooper and Steven Edell.

Should there be separate lists for political and non-political postings?

Should the criterion be that the subject belongs to Yedidya or not?

A non-moderated, "anything goes" situation is unacceptable.

It is very important that people can communicate, especially in controversial situations.

It is very problematic that 25% of our members do not receive Deot.

It is feared that the situation will cause cancelled memberships.

Should there be a list prepared by the chairpeople for special distribution?

There needs to be a time and place for direct communication, not via e-mail.

Some subjects, external to Yedidya, e.g. political, are simply too controversial, and should be avoided.

The instruction to the moderators (for whom sincere thanks were expressed) is clear; when in doubt consult Debbie Greiniman and/or the chairpeople, this having been agreed at a previous Vaad meeting.

Michael Stahl agreed to look into the 'Spam' Law, to see if members have to give consent for the receipt of Yediot and Deot.


  1. Personnel Committee Search

The advertisement for a programme director / administrator was placed on Janglo. 30 applications were received, of which six have sent a CV. It was suggested that the post be advertised in other places, e.g. the university. It was stressed that the candidate's English be at the level of mother-tongue.


  1. Review of Hagim

Kobi suggested that the Vaad should ask for opinions from all the members before holding a discussion. Was what was agreed last year implemented this year?

Should there be an open discussion this year?

Dov Cooper said there should be an activity for little children at 7:00 a.m. at the early Yom Kippur minyan.

Michael claimed the discussion for next year should take place next June.

Penina volunteered to lead and initiate an open discussion in the next few weeks, after receipt of comments from members. Simchat Torah needs a separate discussion. Kobi informed the Vaad that the calendar for the year will be ready in two weeks for comments.


  1. Fundraising Update

The campaign is continuing. So far some 70% of the members have agreed to contribute. The money raised will include the programmer's salary for three years. The issue of 'green' a/c units was raised. The cost would be 100,000 NIS more than regular units to purchase, but cheaper to run. Esther suggested that Laurie Heller be asked if there are foundations that would support a 'green' purchase.

In general planning is advancing. The interior work will take about two months, while work on the ramp will take up to four months.

A potential donor for the outside work (Kiddush patio etc.) has expressed interest, but has certain conditions for his support.


  1. Device for Hearing Impaired

The work done on the loop is not acceptable since it is not effective. The installation company and Machon Tzomet should be invited to give explanations on how the system works and a sign put up with the information and the halachic basis.


  1. Handbook on Holidays and Holy Days

The need for documentation exists and Kobi is ready to sit with somebody who will record the information. Esther suggested that Steven Edell – a technical writer by profession – might be willing to record a discussion that involved three or four participants. The possibility that there is an existing format on the net could be looked into. Bob will ask Shaul Farber if he knows of any such document. Noomi pointed out that somebody needs to lead on this issue.


  1. Shabbatonim

Debbie Kalker and Sharon Greenblat-Deitch have volunteered to organize two Shabbatonim this year, one at Ein Gedi in the near future, and a second in the Spring, further away geographically.

The Vaad approved the idea.


  1. Search for New Chairpeople

Miriam announced that she will resign at the end of the year (2009), while Noomi indicated that she is willing to continue until the AGM, in June 2010. Neil Pearlman will be asked to approach potential Chairs, and Noomi will ask if there are members prepared to offer their candidacy.


  1. Rabin Memorial

The Bet Midrash has asked Rav Yoel bin Nun to speak on the Thursday evening, and he agreed. It is proposed that this be open to Yedidya members.





  1. Bet Midrash "Zehuyot"

This will reopen this Thursday. In terms of numbers the opening night was not promising. It was pointed out that Yedidya is simply housing this project.


  1. Weapons in Shul

After a lengthy discussion on the visible carrying of weapons by Shlichei Tzibbur, it was agreed:

-        it is not a good idea to install a safe for such weapons,

-        the discussion be returned to the Minhag and Halachah Committee for their final recommendation.


  1. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, 10th November 2009 at 20:00.