Minutes of Vaad Menahel meeting 08.12.08


Present: Noomi Stahl, Miriam Fine (chairpersons), Penina Arbit, Esther Edell, Sharon Greenblat-Deitch, Philip Yakar (administrator)


Apologies: Kobi Ableman, Donna Goldberg, Daniel Rohrlich, Michael Stahl.

Carol Fuchs, Debbie Greiniman (Vaadat Bikoret)


1.      Minutes of the previous meeting

Were approved and signed.


2.      Shabbaton

A budget of up to 500 NIS was approved for extras (welcome baskets etc.), over and above the income from participants. It is expected that all rooms will be taken.


3.      Emergency Kenes

With the logistical help of the New Israel Fund, Yedidya will host this coming Thursday a kenes initiated by the organization י"ב בחשון, to protest the "חילול של עיר האבות" by wayward young people. It is hoped to find a representative from Yedidya to be one of the speakers.


4.      Chanukah Programmes

The children's programme will take place on December 25th at 18:00. 50 – 70 children are expected to attend and the programme will include arts & crafts, a quiz, singing,  refreshments and candle-lighting. A budget of 1700 NIS has been requested, and a contribution will be asked for from each participating family.

On December 28th a calligraphy workshop (and candle-lighting) will take place. The workshop is limited to 20 participants.


5.      Music Programme

We are planning to hold a barber-shop quartet concert for fund-rising in mid-January. It is proposed to have a cooperative venture with Yad Eli. The concert lasts about 40 minutes and we suggest that there be a baking competition (a "Bake-off") the same evening, each competitor bringing a cake.


6.      Finance

Esther presented a report for the period 01.01.08 – 31.10.08, which shows several expenditure items under budget, so, generally, we are in good shape. All new programming (Beit Hamidrash) income and expenditure is not reflected in the report, since it started in November.

Esther presented a draft budget for 2009. No new programming income or expenditure is included since the situation about the programmes demands further clarification and discussion by the new Programming committee. Four specific issues were raised and decisions were made as follows:

-          at this stage the events line will remain at income of 3000 NIS and expenditure 9000 NIS;

-          the art exhibits budget will be 4000 NIS, as per the request of the art committee; the art committees budget is primarily to cover the cost of hanging new exhibits. Other expenditures incurred by new exhibitions can come out of other budget lines

-          the Yedidion budget will remain as balanced, 4000 income, 4000 expenditure. Further thought will have to be given to the production and mailing of the next edition; We want to explore producing an on-line Yedidyion rather than a printed version

-          the books and Sifrei Torah line will be split in two – library and books/Sifrei Torah. The library committee submitted a budget request for the Vaad's consideration.The library line will be 4000 NIS, and the books 5000 NIS. If further donations will be received for the library the expenditure will be increased.

The amended budget for 2009 was approved for submitting to the Finance Committee and will be brought to the Vaad for final approval at the next meeting.


7.      Poland Trip

The participants have prepared a slide-show for presentation to all interested members on January 5th, 2009 at 20:00.


8.      Programme Committee

Noomi will request an update on the work of the new committee. Much of the planning for the coming year is contingent on this committee

9.      Community learning Center Fund-Raising

A very positive open meeting took place for members to discuss the Learning Centre. On 20th December a call-a-thon will take place, and, prior to that, a letter will be sent to all members.


10.  Jewish Cinema Screenings

Following the success of the four-film series in the Talpiot area it is proposed that Yedidya will organize a similar event. The cost there was 500 NIS + VAT and tickets were sold according to membership with a  possibility of buying for individual films or a subscription for all four. The idea was felt to be a good one.. We should aim to get different films and further details about equipment needed (screen, projector).


11.  Advertising & publicity

There is a problem with publicizing events. Noomi will ask members if they are ready to help prepare material for publicizing our events. Philip asked that all details of channels of advertising be sent to him (e-mail/regular addresses, deadlines) and the material, once prepared, will be sent from the office.


12.  Matnas Chanukah Project (נר מחבר)

The project was put out in Yediot but no responses were received.


13.  Miscellaneous

A handicapped basketball team has been formed in Jerusalem. Their next game will take place on December 16th at 19:00 at בית הלוחם and they need support!


14.  Date of next meeting

Monday, January 12th, 2009 at 20:00.