Minutes of Vaad Menahel meeting 04.03.08


Present: Miriam Fine, Noomi Stahl (co-chairs), Penina Arbit, Esther Edell, Randi Garber, Donna Goldberg-Katkoff, Sharon Greenblat-Deitch, Neil Pearlman, Daniel Rohrlich, Michael Stahl, Debbie Greiniman (Vaadat Bikoret), Philip Yakar (administrator)


  1. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed.


  1. Purim

Penina prepared a detailed schedule which she read out and which will be distributed to all the members. Mishlochei Manot will be distributed at the readings or held for collection afterwards. Randi is taking responsibility for the Seudah arrangements. The Seudah will start at 16:00.


  1. Pesach

Penina has prepared a schedule which will be distributed. Marty Lockshen will be giving the shiur. The questions of a Kiddush on first day Pesach and on early minyan on the last day were raised.


  1. Speakers

Yom Hashoah – Dina Wyshograd's father.

Noomi offered to organize a visit to Yad Vashem similar to those carried out in the past, where members related their personal stories.

Yom Haatzmaut – Gilad ?



  1. Finance

Esther explained that the new pension law will, in 2008, cost Yedidya approximately 360 NIS. In the following five years it will increase annually. At the next Vaad meeting a financial report will be presented.


  1. Shatil

Penina reported that the BUC work with the consultant had ultimately produced clear guidelines for events. The process had been helpful and is recommended for other committees.

The number of bookings turned down is not clear. The major change is the cessation of loud week night events. Parking rules have been specified but they are very difficult to enforce.


  1. Fundraising Ideas

Noomi proposed that a membership directory be produced, with advertisements. It had been done very successfully at Efrata School. There is somebody prepared to recruit ads, but a volunteer is needed to take on the whole project. Questions were raised about the content. Should children's names and pictures go in? Will people pay for it? Is it for paid-up members only? Is there a real need for it?

Miriam will put the idea on Deot, to seek a volunteer, and Noomi, too, will look.


  1. T'filat Agunot

A text has been received from Kolech for reciting on Shabbat Vayikrah. Daniel asked if it can be edited, and it was suggested he contact the writer.


  1. Sefer Torah

The possibility of acquiring a refurbished sefer from one of the communities in Europe has been raised. Miriam and Noomi will prepare a letter to the relevant body to start the process.


  1. Legal Issues
    1. No compromise was reached over the payment for Ben Moshe. The judge suggested 16,000 NIS which both sides rejected. A hearing has been set for 21st July.
    2. Our lawyer thinks we should consider suing the Kablan. Experts will be needed (he has one for the roof, but not for the glass), and a new lawyer, expert in this field. Meanwhile we would need to find a Kablan to carry out the repairs and we do not know the cost involved. Apparently Marc Render has an idea but details were not available.


  1. Date of next meeting

Sunday, April 6th at 20:00


  1. Personnel Matters