Minutes of a meeting of the vaad minahel held on January 11, 2004

Present: Neil Pearlman (Chair), Dov Cooper, Kobi Ableman, Tzvi Ariel, Penina Arbit, Yoni Hammer, Randi Garber, Warren Burstein (taking minutes).


Based on assumptions and best figures available, there is a projected deficit of NIS 13,500. The following was agreed:

The finance committee’s suggestions for ways to reduce expenses and increase income will be discussed at the next meeting.

When Philip Yakar finishes the reorganization of the building fund accounts, he will begin to promote building rentals, especially with neighboring kehilot without simcha/meeting facilities.

The use of building committee will be asked to examine the rental fees.

They had also suggested that once we achieve a balanced budget, some of the rental income be set aside for two purposes: building repairs and subsidizing rentals for individuals or organizations who can’t afford the full price.

There is a need to recruit additional members

Signators at Postal Bank

The Vaad agreed to have the authorized signators at Investec Bank to also serve as the signators at the Postal Bank.

Annual General Meeting - January 19th 2004

Planning for the AGM is on track. The vaadat bikoret has the financial report, reports are scheduled from building, fundraising, and financial planning committees, and other committees have been contacted to send a member to report.

The search for new Yoshvei Rosh is still underway. Neil and Pamela have agreed to extend their term until Pesach, and if this meets the agreement of the meeting, hopefully their replacement(s) will be approved at one of the open vaad meetings at that time.

Shmirah at events

It was agreed to retain the existing policy of letting renters decide if they want shmirah or not, and to check 3rd party liability regarding shmirah when external events take place

Shabbat Services

A suggestion was brought to the vaad to swap the men's and women's seating areas, and to have men go downstairs when there is a women's Torah reading, in order to speed things up. As the latter had been tried in Efrata the impact on the length of services was minimal, it was decided to maintain the current practice.

It was agreed to look for other ways to shorten the service, including asking ba’alei tefilla to keep things moving along, and making sure speakers keep to the time limits (4 minutes for a Devar Halacha, 8 minutes for a Devar Torah.

Future Events


Reservations have started to arrive. There will be a planning meeting next week; members will be invited to get involved.

Blood Drive

The blood drive will be held on Thursday February 5.

Tu B'Shvat

Tu B'Shvat is on Shabbat this year; we will try to schedule a tiyul on the Friday.


The following was agreed:

Recruiting new people to serve on the seuda organizing committee

Since the downstairs space may be too small, seating 120 and in the past we had 140 people at the seuda, having it upstairs will be placed on the agenda for the next meeting, (as well as the possibility of renting out the upstairs for larger events than the downstairs can accommodate.)

The vaad approved the purchase of a microphone for use with the sound system. Tzvi Ariel will organize.

The Mishloach Manot fund raising project will continue as last year, with proceeds divided equally between the kehilla and the Tzedakah Committee. This year we will also sell baskets to members and anyone else who is interested in order to increase income.


During Chol HaMoed a hachnasat Sefer Torah and a Bat Mitzvah event have been booked. As there is only one day between Shabbat HaGadol and Erev Pesach, it was decided to close off the kitchen. Professional caterers will be informed and are expected to cope with this


On February 19th, Marianne Kunstenaar‘s daughter, Josee Woolf, a top class chazanit, will give a concert. Proceeds will be divided between the kehilla and Yad Elie.

Anim Zemirot

A request was made to allow pre-Bat Mitzvah girls to lead Anim Zemirot at the upstairs service.

The Halacha/Minhag committee discussed the matter and recommended accepting the request as girls already lead Yigdal, and women lead the four prayers after the Haftara and read from the five megillot. The vaad agreed to accept this recommendation.

Both boys and girls will be asked to sign up in advance to lead Anim Zemirot, including singing together in groups. This will allow Anim Zemirot to be said together when there is a women's Torah reading.

This decision will be brought to the membership’s notice in the AGM report of the gabayim. Also, the e-mail announcing these minutes will call attention to this decision.

Review of Past Events

Internal Shabbaton

In light of several logistic issues, e.g. the space on top of the ramp was not a good place to hold a study session, future events of this sort will require greater coordination regarding prayers, opening the shul, kitchen use, setting up, etc.

The meditation was well attended and increased attendance at the start of Shacharit.

It was therefore agreed to schedule pre-tefilla activities regularly, to include:

A women's Pesukei D'zimra downstairs that will merge with the upstairs service at Nishmat Kol Chai.

A shiur on liturgy before Shacharit.

A Leider-like Pesukei D'zimra, (in a separate shul location) which will start early enough so that it can merge at Nishmat.

Planning these activities will be carried out by the gabbayim and gabbayot, in consultation with Gerald Cromer, who organized the shabbaton. Members of the kehilla are invited to send other suggestions to the gabbayim and gabbayot.

Children’s playroom

This past Shabbat it was opened. Teens have signed up to be madrichim. Donations of more games and books are needed.

Next Meeting

The next vaad meeting will be on Sunday, February 8th at 7:30.

More minutes