Vaad Meeting - June 3, 2003

Present: Neil P., Kobi A., Pnina A., Warren B., Tzvi A., Yoni KH.

Search for new shule administrator - response light so far.

Future agenda topics: evaluation of fund raiser & capital campaign book keeper: evaluation to be made first in finance committee.

Storahtelling-Ami Lavi: good idea for 'Shabbat Iyun' one of the next times he is in the country.

New organizer of Divrei Torah (daytime): Neil P. will see if Jeff Green and his committee (Debbi G.; Daniel R., Etti A.) can find the replacement.

Tisha Ba'av speaker: ...see if Jeff Green and ... can find the speaker.

Chagim: Gabba'im have been alerted .

Harpaz bar mitzvah: discussed. Kudos to all.

Liaison with cleaning person through summer: Pnina A. for next two weeks; Tzvi A. thereafter until the move to the new building; Hershey K. in the new building.

Maaseh committee: Warren B.: need update of list of persons and their responsibilities.

Financial Report for the year 2002- bookkeeper Yisrael Boukovza presented the figures;

In spite of Dov C.'s absence, this week Arnie D. will be given an advance for the balance of the monies owed him: Neil will get numbers from Boukovza and Arnie D. Kobi A. will arrange bank transfer.

Update of discussions regarding request by Midreshet Ye'ud for partial rental of building.

Update on countdown for moving to new building- no date as yet.

Special letter regarding 5764 membership dues.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be on June 24th at 7.30 p.m. at Warren B.'s home: main agenda item is arranging membership mailing (teenagers to be invited).

More minutes